Wish Sage and Daegan Luck! [UPDATED]


[Updated October 31 – I just got a call from Daegan. they both passed!!]

In less than 24 hours, Sage and Daegan will be taking their Canadian citizenship tests bright and early tomorrow morning. It has 20 multiple choice questions and if they get 15 of them correct (75%) they’ll be scheduled for citizenship ceremony where they’ll be take the oath of citizenship.

Because I’m out of the country, my test will be scheduled after I return. I’m already a little nervous. (But I’m studying so I’m sure it’ll be fine)

11 thoughts on “Wish Sage and Daegan Luck! [UPDATED]

    1. I know! And I just got my notification: My test will be on November 28th.

      I was telling someone here about it and said “It’s time to make it official.” I realized then that on some level this step feels like getting married.

  1. Haze is obsessed with reruns of Canada’s Worst Handyman. She said recently “the only thing I think there is wrong with Canada is the builders.”

    1. Ha! I haven’t seen that one but I’m pretty sure one of my boss’ friends was on that one. Is that the one where they fix people’s messed up home renovation projects?

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