CFFC: Lime / Light Green

Over the past few years, I did a ton of business travel. So much so, that I started to find preferred airports to do my transfers. Atlanta is bad for weather delays but has a great restaurant that had a wonderful and healthy quinoa salad. Dallas is a bit out of the way when flying home from Louisiana as you have to fly west to go back home. On the other hand, they have an amazing seafood restaurant to eat at if there is enough time on the layover to eat.

And then there’s Detroit. A nice thing about it is once you get there, there’s only a short flight of around an hour to get home. There’s a P.F. Chang’s with good food to eat at. And then there’s the best part: You almost always have to walk through the tunnel to the other terminal. Walking through there feels, to me, like I’ve ended up in what the sci-fi movie makers of the early 1970’s thought 2018 would be: moving walkways, strangely soothing music and tunnels filled with cycling coloured light. The first time I went through I took the moving walkway. Every other time since then I’ve walked to enjoy the surreality of the experience.


Inspired by this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Lime or Light Green

10 thoughts on “CFFC: Lime / Light Green

  1. The pic is so alluring, it actually enticed me to go through the write up 😛 . Never been to that part of the world but could actually imagine the surroundings in your words.

    1. Thank you! Detroit is a fascinating city. Its downtown is decaying and it can barely afford to keep itself moving with streetlights, police and fire departments. And so, it is very cheap to live there (but also there’s high crime and little work). Still, because of this some people are moving there to do things like urban farming or art. This part is fascinating to me and I hope someday to go there to explore a bit.

      The contrast, though, of the beautiful airport with so much money and business flowing through there to the decaying downtown is rather shocking.

      1. Man you are an encyclopedia ! That’s insight down to the sneakiest lanes. Well you are right about the crime and little work aspect.
        As for urban farming and art initiatives, that’s something new even for me to know.

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